Circuits of England & Wales

The Bar in England and Wales is divided into six geographical regions, known as ‘circuits’. The circuits provide important sources of support, advice and representation for barristers practising in those areas and maintain lines of communication with all parts of the legal system. Each circuit has a leader and junior. The circuit leaders are represented on our Council and General Management Committee and the circuits elect additional members onto Council. In addition, the European Circuit brings together barristers whose practice covers Europe.

Midland Circuit logo


Midland Circuit

Northern circuit logo


Northern Circuit

North Eastern Circuit logo


Northern Eastern Circuit

South Eastern Circuit logo


South Eastern Circuit

Wales & Chester circuit logo


Wales & Chester Circuit

Western Circuit logo


Western Circuit

European Circuit

In addition, the Bar of England and Wales has established the European Circuit of the Bar of England and Wales. The European Circuit aims to bring together barristers working in Europe, whether in chambers or employed by European institutions or companies, barristers of England and Wales whose practice includes work in European and international law, and members of other European Bars who are practising in England and Wales. 

European Circuit logo


The European Circuit


Circuits map

View the areas covered by each circuit and the local authorities contained within them.

*It should be noted that while Chester has strong cultural and operational links with the Bar and courts in Wales, for administrative purposes it is part of the Northern circuit.

How to use this map
  • This map is best viewed on a desktop.
  • Hover your mouse over different areas of the map to see Local Authority and Circuit Name.
  • If you click or tap on an area of the map, it will zoom in to that area. To reset the map, refresh the page or click on the white space of the map.

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