Standing for justice: our strategic plan 2024-2029

Our five-year strategic plan ‘Standing for justice’ positions us as the leading
representative body for a united Bar that is strong, inclusive, independent and influential.
It helps us to deliver our ambitions for the barrister profession and wider justice system,
and sets out how we will lead, represent and support the Bar over the coming years.

‘Standing for justice’ defines our vision and mission and explains how our values inform
everything we do for the Bar and within our organisation.

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Our vision

We will be the leading representative body for a united Bar which is strong, inclusive, independent and influential

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Our mission

To lead, represent and support the Bar in the public interest and to champion the rule of law and access to justice for all

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Our values

  • diversity, inclusion and respect
  • collaboration
  • commitment
  • excellence
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Our strategic aims

  • Leading, representing and upholding the independence of the Bar
  • Championing, protecting and promoting the rule of law
  • Supporting a sustainable, inclusive and resilient profession
  • Maintaining a sustainable, inclusive and resilient organisation

These aims are underpinned by measurable activities, and we report on progress through our annual reports.

Our strategic plan was developed in consultation with staff and members, through the General Management Committee and Bar Council.