

The Bar Council nominates barristers to different appointments. Below is a list of the appointments current for 2024.

Faisel Sadiq – ICLR Bar Council Representative

Abigail Bright –  ICLR Bar Council Representative

James Willan KC – Access to Justice Foundation Trustee

Sultana Tafadar KC – KCA Selection Panel Barrister Member

Matthew Chapman KC – KCA Selection Panel Barrister Member

Robin Allen KC – KCA Complaints Committee Senior Member

Benjamin Wood – ICBET Trustee

Imran Benson – ICBET Trustee

William East – ICBET Trustee

Kiril Waite – ICBET Trustee

Greville Healey – Land Registration Rule Committee Member

Richard Jones KC – IFoA Disciplinary Appointments Chair

Aswini Weereratne KC – IFoA Deputy Chair of the Appeals Tribunal

Nkumbe Ekaney KC – Judicial Appointments Commission Advisory Group

Andrew Skelly – Civil Justice Council Pre-Action Protocol Working Group