Other vacancies

Government Legal Department - Bar Council Representatives to assist in the Attorney General's London Panel Selection Boards (three positions)


TERM: 6-month term (commencing immediately)
The Bar Council is looking to nominate three Barristers, each to sit on one of the three Selection Boards that will recruit to the Attorney General’s London A, B and C Panels of Junior Counsel in May and June 2025.  These are paper exercises (i.e., no interviews) that will result in recommendations being made to the Attorney General for appointments to his London Panels of advocates.
About the Selection Board Process
There are three Selection Boards, which will be held virtually and in person in GLD offices in London.  Each Board is made up of the Chair, one Bar Council Representative, Senior Government Lawyers and either a former member of Panel Counsel or a serving member of the A or B Panel.  Apart from the Chair and the Bar Council Representative, each of the Board Members assess and score candidates who are applying to the Attorney General’s London A, B and C Panels of Junior Counsel.
About the role of the Bar Council Representative
The Bar Council Representative’s role is to take an overview of the process and to exercise a challenge function at the Selection Board.
The 3 Selection Boards will be held on the following dates.  They will be hybrid with the Bar Council Representatives having the option to attend in person or via MS Teams, from 9:30am to 5pm as outlined below.


Panel A – Tuesday 20 May – GLD Offices, 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9GL
Panel B – Thursday 22 May – GLD Offices, 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9GL
Panel C – Thursday 5 June – GLD Offices, 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9GL


One Bar Council Representative will be required to attend one of these sessions.  The Bar Council Representative will also attend a pre-briefing meeting with the Chair and receive the application forms and other documents of the selection process to consider, prior to the Selection Board meeting.
The remuneration for the role is £200 per hour.
Knowledge and experience
Applicants for the Bar Representative role should ideally be a KC.  The representatives have often been former Regional or London Panel members who have taken silk and we would welcome applications from previous civil panel members.  However, all applications will be considered.  
Applications will be presented to the General Management Committee of the Bar Council who are responsible for selecting the successful candidate based on merit.  The Bar Council is committed to ensuring fairness, transparency, and openness in its recruitment processes.  In addition, consideration is given to matters of equality and diversity.
How to apply
Applicants should send a copy of their CV accompanied by a short-written statement stating their suitability for the role, describing their skills and experience that are relevant to the criteria above, as well as the date or dates they would be available to attend the Selection Board meeting/s to:
Justina Naik, Interim Governance and Committees Manager at:  [email protected]
The closing date for applications is 6 March 2025.                       
Successful candidates will be notified.