Officers of the Bar Council
Chair of the Bar

Barbara Mills KC
Barbara Mills KC is chair of the Bar 2025. Barbara is joint head of chambers at 4PB and practises in family law specialising in difficult and complex children cases, often with an international element. Barbara is an arbitrator and a mediator, sits as a deputy High Court judge, and has been a recorder on the South Eastern Circuit for over 10 years. Barbara is also a governing bencher at Inner Temple.
Vice chair of the Bar

Kirsty Brimelow KC
Kirsty Brimelow KC is Vice Chair of the Bar 2025. Kirsty practises in criminal, international and public law from Doughty Street Chambers, where she is on the management board as head of the Criminal Law team. Kirsty was appointed Queen’s Counsel (now King’s Counsel) in 2011. In 2021, Kirsty was appointed a deputy High Court judge and in 2022 appointed a recorder. She is an accredited mediator and acts in conflict resolution. In 2013, Kirsty negotiated an historic apology from then then President of Colombia to a community for a massacre.
Kirsty was a member of the Bar Council Public Affairs Committee and a Bar Council Young Spokesperson from 1998 to 2008. Kirsty was the first female Chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee (2012 to 2018) and the Vice Chair and then Chair of the Criminal Bar Association (2021 to 2023). In 2022, she led negotiations with government of an historic increase in fees for criminal barristers. Kirsty is a bencher of Gray’s Inn and was elected to the management board (2020 to 2023). Kirsty is a trustee of the charity WWF, visiting professor at Goldsmiths Faculty of Law and elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Lucinda Orr
Lucinda is the treasurer of the Bar Council for 2025. Further to pupillage at Quadrant Chambers in 2006, she has practised at the US firms of Skadden Arps and Quinn Emanuel, and since 2014 has been at Enyo Law LLP in London, where she is a partner. She specialises in complex, cross-border litigation, and civil fraud. She has been appointed by the Lord Chancellor as an Examiner of the Court, pursuant to CPR34.15, and by the Culture Secretary to the Treasure Valuation committee, to advise on the fair market value of declared Treasure finds for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Chair of the young barristers' committee

Lachlan Stewart
Lachlan is chair of the Bar Council’s young barristers’ committee for 2025. He also sits on the Bar Council’s law reform committee. Lachlan practises from No5 Chambers in Birmingham in criminal and regulatory law.