Residual Impact: Turning unclaimed funds into life changing support
The demand for Support Through Court’s free services has never been greater.
Clinical supervision: a critical framework for professional development
In this guest blog, Mark Hepburn highlights the benefits of clinical supervision for legal professionals
Legal education in schools can create a better society: Olivia’s volunteering story
Olivia Hardiman, a Bar course student, shares her experience of volunteering with the national education charity Young Citizens as part of The Big Legal Lesson.
Pupillage with a difference: life at the employed Bar
Government Legal Department pupil barrister Harrison Gorst shares his experience so far.
Susanna McGibbon welcomes Barbara Mills KC
Treasury Solicitor and Permanent Secretary to the Government Legal Department, Susanna McGibbon, reflects on Barbara Mills KC’s inaugural address.
Justice in crisis: Public Accounts Committee scrutinises Crown Court backlog failures
Witnesses from the MoJ and HMCTS faced sharp questioning about systemic inefficiencies, the government’s funding strategies, and the devastating impact of delays.