Commercial and chancery barrister Andrew Walker QC has been named as Vice Chairman-Elect of the Bar Council, the body that represents all barristers in England & Wales. Andrew Langdon QC, the current Vice Chairman, has been confirmed as the next Chairman of the Bar for 2017. He will take over from the current chairman Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC on 1 January 2017. 

Andrew Walker QC, of Maitland Chambers, was called to the Bar in 1991 and took silk in 2011.  His professional practice is focused on property, company and commercial disputes and professional negligence claims in a wide range of business sectors.  He has been involved with the Bar Council since 2004, and is currently chairman of the Ethics Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Law Reform Committee.  He was awarded the Bar Pro Bono Award in 2009 for some of his work with the homelessness charity, Shelter. 

Andrew Langdon QC was called to the Bar in 1986 and took silk in 2006. He practises from Guildhall Chambers in Bristol, predominantly on the Western Circuit.  He practises in crime, including regulatory crime, and in particular health and safety. He has sat as a Recorder since 2002, and became a Bencher of Middle Temple in 2014. From October 2013 until the end of 2015 he was Leader of the Western Circuit.   

Lorinda Long will remain as is Treasurer of the Bar Council for 2017, her third year in the role. Lorinda is a financial services specialist having worked as an in-house transactional lawyer, Head of Legal and General Counsel for a number of leading institutions such as NatWest, Credit Suisse, Bank of Scotland and Lloyds. She has spent the last few years providing consultancy services to various organisations including Barclays, MetLife and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. 

All nominations were unopposed.


Notes to Editors 

  1. Further information is available from the Bar Council Press Office on 020 7222 2525 and

  2. The Bar Council represents barristers in England and Wales. It promotes: 

  • The Bar's high quality specialist advocacy and advisory services

  • Fair access to justice for all

  • The highest standards of ethics, equality and diversity across the profession, and

  • The development of business opportunities for barristers at home and abroad.

The General Council of the Bar is the Approved Regulator of the Bar of England and Wales. It discharges its regulatory functions through the independent Bar Standards Board