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This report analyses gross earnings declared by the self-employed Bar during the authorisation to practise (AtP) process in 2024, by sex and practice area.
Key findings
Based on 2023 earnings data:
- Women were earning less than men at the self-employed Bar. Junior women were earning on average 77% of what junior men are earning. Women silks were earning on average 67% of their male colleagues’ median gross earnings.
- Earnings gaps persist across every post qualification experience (PQE) band, tending to be lowest at 0-3 years and highest at mid-career level and at KC level. The highest earning men were consistently earning more than the highest earning women.
- There were earnings gaps in every area of practice. The widest gaps were in commercial and Chancery practice, where women at 11-15 years PQE were earning 57% of their male colleagues’ median fee income.
- During the previous 4 years (2020-2023), median earnings at the Bar had increased for men and women. However, women’s earnings increased by less than men’s. This means the gap is getting wider.
The report builds on previous reports:
- 2021 report - based on 20 years of anonymous data on earnings from the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund (BMIF)
- 2022 update report
- 2023 update report
- New practitioner earnings differentials, published in April 2024
In 2023 we introduced a new and more robust method of analysis using AtP data which is more detailed than the BMIF data used in 2021 and 2022. For this year’s report (analysing 2024 data) we further improved the method of analysis by using post-qualification experience (PQE) as a more accurate timeframe than number of years’ Call.
Updating the methodology means that direct year-on-year comparison is not possible, but the overall trends remain the same and show concerning patterns in relation to earnings disparities between men and women at the self-employed Bar.
To support the recommendations, the earnings data reports are supplemented by our Earnings toolkit for chambers to calculate work distribution within sets and our Practice review guide for barristers and clerks which outlines review processes.
In March 2024, Barbara Mills KC, then Vice Chair of the Bar Council, chaired a panel discussion for the Inns of Court Women's Alliance on the earnings gap. You can watch a recording of the event via YouTube