Adeola Fadipe, pupil barrister at Outer Temple Chambers, founder of BME Legal and member of the Bar Council's Race Working Group shares her thoughts on International Women's Day.

What's the best piece of advice you've had about being a woman at the Bar?
To say yes. Yes to the unknown. Yes to opportunities. Sometimes as women we entertain self-deprecation and convince ourselves that we are not sufficiently qualified for the opportunities that lay ahead of us. But our strength is in saying yes.
So on IWD, choose to say yes. Choose to challenge.
Which senior women at the Bar have supported you through your career and journey at the Bar?
Dame Linda Dobbs DBE and Krista Lee QC. Dame Linda has been instrumental in my journey. She embodies compassionate leadership and continues to inspire me to break new frontiers at the Bar. Krista Lee QC has been a great source of encouragement and has helped me to utilise my strengths to add value to my professional clients.
What is your greatest professional achievement?
Helping young people to obtain prestigious Inns of Court scholarships and offers of pupillage through my diversity initiative BME Legal. This would not have been possible without the tireless commitment of some of my colleagues at the Bar, many of whom are fierce women.
What’s the single biggest change you want to see for women at the Bar?
More women taking silk.