Commenting, Nick Vineall KC, Chair of the Bar Council, said:
“The use of Twitter provides a space for lively debate amongst the legal community. But all professional people ought to stick to debating the issues without resorting to personalised attacks. If you would not say something to someone’s face, don’t say it to them, or about them, on Twitter.
“Some of the comments made on Twitter and recorded in Dr Proudman’s article go far, far beyond what could possibly be thought to be acceptable. It is not appropriate for the Bar Council to comment on any individual complaints or allegations: those tasks are for the BSB. But the Bar ought to be a profession where everyone is capable of maintaining civil discourse.
“There is absolutely no place at the Bar for misogynistic, sexist, or bullying behaviour, whether online, verbal or in any other form.
“We all have a duty to report serious misconduct, and when this behaviour is reported to the Bar Standards Board it is essential that it is dealt with promptly. Whilst we understand that some investigations are complex, we share Dr Proudman’s frustration with the pace with which the BSB has dealt with some complaints.
“Wellbeing, retention and progression of barristers are all affected by the way we are treated by colleagues. Inappropriate behaviour should be addressed and, where necessary, reported.
“The Bar Council’s Talk to Spot service is a good place to get support if you have experienced or witnessed bullying, harassment or discrimination.”
Support services and resources for the Bar community
Talk to Spot – an anonymous and confidential tool that provides support to individuals that have experienced or witnessed bullying, harassment, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviours.
Confidential helpline – speak to a member of the Equality & Diversity team in confidence for support and advice about bullying or harassment issues. Lines are open 09:15-17:15 Monday to Friday: 020 7611 1426
Other Bar Council resources on bullying and harassment
Training on tackling harassment, bullying and inappropriate behaviours