The Prime Minister has appointed barrister Shabana Mahmood MP as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.  

Shabana Mahmood becomes the first Muslim and first woman lawyer Lord Chancellor.

Welcoming the announcement, Sam Townend KC, Chair of the Bar Council, said:

“Congratulations to Shabana Mahmood on her appointment as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice. We look forward to working with her and her fellow law officers to begin the enormous task of rebuilding the justice system.

“It is no secret that the new Government faces a genuine crisis in the justice system, the result of years of underinvestment. It is vital that measures and funding to ease prison overcrowding and tackle the court backlogs are treated as an immediate priority for action by the new Lord Chancellor.

“This is not only vital for those attempting to access the justice system, but also to secure our global reputation for legal services which secures billions of pounds for the economy. We will continue to make the strong case for spending on early legal advice and legal aid, for our courts to be seen as a vital public service, and for sustainable long-term investment in justice to rebuild public trust and confidence.”

Read the Bar Council 'Manifesto for justice 2024'