
This year's categories and awards criteria

Employed Barrister of the Year in the Public Sector
Sponsored by The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

This award is for an individual that has made an outstanding contribution in the course of their employment.

This may be demonstrated by one or more of the following:

  • High-quality legal advice
  • Providing an outstanding contribution to the work of their employer, such as in particular cases
  • A commitment to promoting the work of the Employed Bar
  • External testimonials

‘Public service’ includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Crown Prosecution Service;
  • Government Legal Department;
  • Local Government; or
  • Public Defender Service.

If you are unsure whether you fall into this category, please contact the Bar Council at [email protected].

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Employed Barrister of the Year in a Law Firm
Sponsored by Government Legal Department

This award is for an individual that has made an outstanding contribution in the course of their employment at a solicitor’s firm.

This may be demonstrated by one or more of the following:

  • High-quality legal advice
  • Providing an outstanding contribution to the work of their organisation, such as in particular cases
  • A commitment to promoting the work of the Employed Bar
  • External testimonials.

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Employed Barrister of the Year in Commerce, Finance or Industry
Sponsored by The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn

This award is for a barrister that has made an outstanding contribution in the course of their employment in a company in commerce, industry or the financial sector sectors. 

This may be demonstrated by one or more of the following:

  • High-quality legal advice
  • Providing an outstanding contribution to the work of their employer, such as in particular cases
  • A commitment to promoting the work of the Employed Bar
  • External testimonials

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Employed Barrister of the Year in the Armed Forces

This award is for those individuals who demonstrate outstanding performance in one or more of Categories One to Three. 

Please note that each Service will be running an internal selection process to put forward nominees for this category. Individuals cannot nominate themselves for this award.

Category One

In the delivery of legal advice in one or more of the following legal disciplines:

  1. Operational law
  2. Advisory law
  3. Prosecutions/Defence
Category Two

In the management of legal change, including one or more of the following:

  1.  Devising and/or implementing new legislation
  2.  Devising and/or implementing significant policy initiatives
  3.  Devising and/or implementing significant legal training requirements in the Armed Forces
Category Three

In personal and professional legal development, including one or more of the following categories:

  1.     Role-specific training
  2.     Additional academic training
  3.     Recognition by the wider legal profession

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Legal Team of the Year
Sponsored by The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn

This award is for a team that has made a major contribution to the work of their organisation including through high-quality legal advice and/or advocacy. A team submission may include other legal professionals but must include at least one employed barrister.

Points for consideration will include:

  • Notable recent cases worked on
  • Impact of work undertaken

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Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is for an individual who has made a major contribution to the work, promotion, and growth of the employed Bar.

Points for consideration will include:

  • Impact on the employed Bar as a contingent of the wider Bar
  • Evidence of seminal work or projects that have contributed to development of the employed Bar
  • Contribution to professional development of colleagues who are also employed barristers
  • Esteem among the wider profession

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