Equality and Diversity Officers (EDO) network
About the network
Our EDO network helps Equality & Diversity Officers (EDOs), Data Diversity Officers (DDOs) and chambers professionals comply with Equality Law and BSB regulations, and introduces new ideas and good practice by encouraging chambers to learn from each other.
This informal network meets online every few months, which is usually attended by 20-50 members. We now have over 500 members in total.
Members represent a wide range of sets of different sizes, across all circuits. Contact between members and the Bar Council team is encouraged between meetings, such as when a member needs help with a policy or issue. The group operates on a Chatham House basis – key is the ability to share issues, experience, and solutions.
We welcome suggestions for meetings, and usually focus on areas where chambers may need advice or are struggling.
Membership benefits
As a member, you will receive a regular email highlighting new equality guidance, key consultations, changes in regulations, and events or training of interest to those with an equality, diversity, and inclusion brief in chambers.
It’s free to join the network. To join or just find out more, [email protected].
Upcoming meetings
- Our recent Race at the Bar report, and new Toolkit designed to help chambers to act on race inequality (5 February)
Recent meetings
- Equality and Diversity Rules (20 November 2024)
- Consultations and Reports coming up in Autumn 2024 (9 October 2024)
- Equality and Diversity Rules (11 September 2024)
- An Introduction to the Bullying & Harassment Review Team (10 July 2024)
- Race Equality (15 May 2024)
- Pupillage Gateway Report and recruitment challenges (27 March 2024)