Bullying, harassment and discrimination

Many incidents of bullying, harassment or discrimination at the Bar go unchallenged and unreported. We know from our research that the main reason given for not reporting incidents is the fear of repercussions. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable at work because of inappropriate behaviour and the Bar Council is committed to tackling this problem. Find out more about the work we're doing to tackle bullying and harassment.

Talk to Spot is a way for people who’ve experienced these behaviours to raise the alarm and get support to take the next step. It’s a secure and confidential online tool which will help you to make a record of an incident or inappropriate behaviour.

And because it’s completely secure, it gives everyone working in and around the Bar a secure and constructive way of tackling unacceptable behaviours.


More support for barristers

Alongside Talk to Spot, the Bar Council continues to provide: