UAE speaker application form

The Bar Council is organising a business development visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) between 10 -14 November 2024, timed with the Dubai Arbitration Week. The visit will include events and meetings in both Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

We are looking for barristers to lead these workshops. If you are interested in developing and delivering a workshop at this event on one of the above topics, please complete this application form and attach your CV by 09.00 Monday 22 July.

We aim to inform you of the outcome of your application within one week of the deadline date.

If you are interested in developing and delivering a workshop at this event on one of the below topics, please complete the application form, including your CV.

  • Family law and family office, including relocations, abductions, planning, cross border enforcement in family, and pre nups (Abu Dhabi)
  • Dispute resolution (Dubai)
Application criteria

We will select candidates who demonstrate the following skills and experience on their application form and CV:


  • Knowledge and experience of the subject matter of the workshops
  • Public speaking experience.
  • A strong international practice (e.g. demonstrated through examples of work, speaking at relevant events or relevant publications).
  • A supporter of the work of the Bar Council through contributions to the Bar Representation Fee.


  • Knowledge of the jurisdiction.
  • Other relevant qualifications or memberships (e.g. membership of foreign bar organisations in the relevant region to be visited).
Barristers who are selected are expected to:
  • Deliver sessions assigned to them to a high standard.
  • Actively contribute to programme development, organisation, and marketing.
  • Participate in 3-4 preparatory meetings, each lasting an hour.
  • Take responsibility for all travel and accommodation arrangements at their own expense.
  • Engage with fellow barristers, local, and international legal professionals during the visit.
  • Collaborate closely with the Bar Council to ensure the smooth organisation and delivery of the workshop.
  • Advocate for the legal profession during the visit.
  • Contribute insights to any post-visit surveys and attend an evaluation feedback session.
  • Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and mindfulness towards the practices, customs, and terms of the host country, as well as those of UAE lawyers and nationals.

These expectations reflect our commitment to fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment.

Applications close: 09.00 Monday 22 July

We aim to inform you of the outcome of your application within one week of the deadline date.

Application form

Please note:

  • Decision-making by the selection panel may be entirely paper-based and
  • Given that there may be several equally well-qualified candidates, selection is entirely at the discretion of the panel, whose decision is final.
  • To ensure a spread of participants from different chambers and law firms, ordinarily, a maximum number of one barrister per chambers or law firm will be permitted to participate in the event.
  • Please note that we cannot guarantee you a slot, but will do our best to accommodate you, in accordance with the selection process and criteria listed above.
  • In order to participate in the Bar Council’s visit, speakers are required to have paid/or be willing to pay the Bar Representation Fee.

Please note that if your application is successful, we will retain your data for up to 5 years, and up to 1 year if your application is unsuccessful, during which we may contact you about similar events. If you do not wish for your data to be retained, please flag this in your application.

For more information on how we handle your personal data, please see our privacy statement.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Haylie Page at [email protected]