Movers and returners

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to come back to the Bar, switch practice area or move between the employed and self-employed Bars. On this page you’ll find our top tips, where you can find support, guidance for taking the next step, and articles and blogs from barristers with experience of moving or returning to the Bar.

We refer to someone who has spent some time out of practice and wants to return to work at the Bar as a ‘returner’. We refer to someone who is considering switching practice area, or perhaps a move between the employed and self-employed Bar as a ‘mover’.

Tips for returners and movers

  1. Refresh your job or tenancy-hunting skills with formal training, mentoring or other less formal assistance
  2. Get support in CV writing and completing competency-based application forms
  3. Practise your interview techniques (possibly including mock interviews)
  4. Talk about your non-legal skills where appropriate. Remember you can use non-legal experiences to demonstrate your skills and success.
  5. Network by attending events run by the Inns, SBAs, circuits, solicitors’ firms, and chambers
  6. Undertake shadowing and work experience – contact chambers/employers
  7. Observe court hearings online to re-immerse yourself in oral advocacy after time away. You can also look at the online archive of the Supreme Court
  8. Consider working at the employed Bar or in law firms for short to medium term roles - view opportunities on our Employed Bar page
  9. Work with your clerk (if in practice) to diversify your work or switch to a new practice area
  10. Consider taking on more junior briefs to get back up to speed/develop a new practice area
  11. Consider pro bono work – such as through Advocate (view Advocate's guide to pro bono for movers and returners). See our pro bono page
  12. Check the BSB Handbook to ensure you are compliant with regulations for your return/new practice area/Bar
  13. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it

View more tips and advice in our Returning to the Bar or changing your practice advice pack or from Middle Temple's talent retention scheme.


Support for returners and movers is available via the Inns of Court, circuits and specialist Bar associations (SBAs). If you can’t find relevant information, contact the membership manager at the Inns, or the administrators for the relevant circuit or SBA.

The Inns will often provide places at their events to members of other Inns, so don’t limit your search to your own Inn:

The circuits and the specialist Bar associations (SBAs) support barristers to return and/or move practice area. Access more information about moving or returning, via the relevant administrator or the leader or chair (see their websites). We have listed the Inns, circuits and SBAs, and their websites, on our pages below.

Inns of Court

The four Inns of Court: who they are and what they do

Circuits of England & Wales

The six circuits of England and Wales: what they are and where they cover.

Specialist Bar Associations

The Specialist Bar Associations (SBAs): dedicated to barristers' practice areas within geographical regions.