Join us as we look into international investigations and inquiries within family, crime and employment practices.

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3 July 2024, 17:30 - 19:00
Event Type
7BR Chambers, London
International, Young Bar

About the seminar

The seminar will promote developing practice areas and assist barristers, especially young barristers, wishing to expand their practice internationally.

In this succinct one-hour session, a distinguished panel of experts will delve into the intricacies of expanding one's legal expertise across borders, particularly within the realms of Investigations and Inquiries spanning family, crime, and employment law.

The seminar will be delivered on Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 17:30, in-person only at 7BR Chambers. The panel discussion will be followed by questions from the audience and a drinks reception.

Who should attend

Barristers who work in crime, family and employment, young barristers, and barristers wishing to expand their practice internationally.

The programme

17:30 - Welcome and introduction to speakers, Sara Ibrahim

17:40 - Fahrid Chishty

17:55 - Teertha Gupta KC

18:10 - Dr Victoria McCloud

18:30 - Q&A

19:00 - Drinks reception


Profile photo of Fahrid Chisty


Fahrid Chishty

Fahrid was educated at King’s College London, The City Law School and the Honorable Society of Gray’s Inn. He was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2019, winning the Inn’s Wilfred Watson, Hebe Plunkett and Ann Felicity Goddard QC scholarships. He practises from Guernica37 Chambers in London, specialising in criminal, regulatory, public and international law. His opinions have been published in the Cambridge International Law Journal (CIJL), Counsel, Dawn, The Lawyer Monthly and Eastern Eye. In 2023, he received both the Society of Asian Lawyers’ (SAL) Rising Star Award and the Inns of Court Pegasus Scholarship, taking up a ten-week research fellowship at the Supreme Court of Pakistan focussing on criminal justice administration and procedural law reform.

Profile picture of Teertha Gupta.


Teertha Gupta KC

Teertha is a specialist senior barrister and trial advocate with over 29 years of experience.

He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2012 and a (Family) Deputy High Court Judge in 2016. Teertha also sits as a part time Circuit Judge (a Recorder) in the Criminal and Civil courts.
His areas of expertise include complex domestic and international children cases such as relocation, cross-border parental abductions and acrimonious contact disputes.

Teertha is also the go to person for Forced marriage and stranded spouse cases. He has spoken in the House of Commons and was named by Lord Lester in the House of Lords as one of the four senior pro bono lawyers behind the Forced Marriage Civil Protection Bill which became a statute in 2007. Teertha’s practice is widely spread geographically across England and Northern Ireland (and the Eastern Caribbean) in all levels of court from County court to the ECJ. To date, he has been involved in 10 full appeals in the UKSC/House of Lords.

Profile picture of Victoria McCloud.


Dr Victoria McCloud, Gatehouse Chambers 

Judge Victoria McCloud recently retired as a King's Bench Master in the High Court. Her future career aims to be a ‘portfolio’ including (ex)judge-led private internal investigation work, costs mediation, other ‘judicial’ ADR, and academic work. She is on the Costs ADR panel a Fellow of ADR-ODR International, and an honorary member of the Institute for Online Dispute Resolution. She is a Chartered Psychologist, Advisory Head of Interdisciplinary Collaborations at the Sorbonne, and an Associate Fellow at the Global Network on Extremism and Technology. Her most recent work is a chapter in Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing: Theory and Practice, 2023, Routledge.  She is an associate member of Gatehouse Chambers and a regular national and international speaker and news and legal media commentator.


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