The Bar Council will be making its third and last business development visit to Kenya in December 2024. 

We are looking for barristers to lead workshops.


Kenya speaker application form

Kenya Landscape
2 - 5 December 2024, 9:00 - 18:00
Event Type
In-person, Nairobi

The Bar Council’s third and final business development visit to Nairobi, Kenya is taking place between 3 to 5 December 2024.

Please note that the East African Law Society Conference is taking place between 27 to 30 November in Kampala, Uganda, the week prior to the Bar Council's visit. Although the Bar Council will not have a formal presence at this conference, this is an opportunity for further networking with lawyers from across East Africa.

Our objectives for the visit:

  • Developing and maintaining long-standing relationships with the Law Society of Kenya, which were first established through our shared Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed in 2022.

  • Defending and promoting the rule of law.

  • Collaborating, skill and knowledge sharing, and capacity building with practitioners, the Law Society of Kenya, legal firms and legal institutions in the country.

  • Collaborate on and deepen reciprocal practice rights.

  • Assessing the demand for E&W legal services and the competitive legal landscape in Kenya.

  • Acquiring international clients or receiving instructions from foreign law firms. 

Our programme  

On 3 December 2024, in conjunction with the Law Society of Kenya, we will host a series of panel sessions discussing anti-money laundering, international climate change law, alternative dispute resolution and artificial intelligence and ethics.  

Throughout the week, a programme of side events will also be arranged for delegates. This will include – but is not limited to – meetings with representatives of Nairobi-based law firms and organisations. 

Attending this programme is a great opportunity to generate international work, network with professionals across the Kenyan legal profession, build knowledge and professional links.  

Speaker applications 

We are looking for barristers to lead these workshops. Find out more and apply using the following link.


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