Explore the growing number of International Criminal Law opportunities that exist outside of the main court structure, presented by experienced barristers with accomplished practice in International Criminal Law.

Find out more and watch the recording below.

Statue of Lady Justice holding scales up high in their left hand and sword in their right hand.
4 May 2022, 17:30 - 18:30
Event Type

The Bar Council and the Criminal Bar Association's webinar looked at opportunities for barristers in international criminal law to practice outside of international courts and tribunals.

About the event

This 1-hour virtual seminar explored a whole new spectrum of possibilities for the Criminal Bar and considered some of the more innovative routes and forms of work outside of international courts and tribunals. Watch the recording below and hear from experienced barristers with accomplished practice in International Criminal Law.

Watch the recording

video image

Opportunities in International Criminal Law (2)

New forms of work outside courts and tribunals


The panel





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