The Chair of the Bar Council, Sam Townend KC, is delighted to welcome Bar Conference 2024 delegates to our drinks reception on the evening of Friday 7 June from 6pm

Meet up with friends, network with delegates and conference speakers, and enjoy an exclusive look around the hidden gem of the Barbican Conservatory, home to over 1,500 species of plants and trees.

Facts about the Barbican Conservatory

  • The Barbican Conservatory is the second largest of its kind in London, expanding over 23,000sq ft. It opened in 1984, and it has since been home to over 1,500 species of plants and trees.
  • The Conservatory surrounds the Barbican Theatre’s fly tower. It was designed by the Barbican’s architects Chamberlin, Powell and Bon.
  • There are three pools in the Conservatory. Two of which are home to a variety of cold-water fish and several varieties of carps.
  • Ranjani Shettar: Cloud songs on the horizon is the current exhibit that is happening in the Conservatory. It involves five sculptures nestled within the nature of the Conservatory. The sculptures are each handcrafted by the artist, they draw inspiration from the complexity of nature.
Location of the event - Barbican, London  

How to find us

The drinks reception is at the Barbican Centre. It is located on Level 4 of the main Barbican building. If you are in the Barbican highwalks, simply follow the signs to the 'Barbican Centre'. From the Barbican tube station, you can walk to the steps with 'Art Gallery' above them, these will lead you to the Sculpture Court where you will see a sign for the Conservatory.

The address is:
Barbican Centre
Silk Street, London

The Barbican is widely accessible by tube, train, bus as well as on foot or by bicycle. You can book car parking spaces on the Barbican website in advance
For accessibility requirements, please visit the Barbican website.

Due to the calling of the General Election, the Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC and the Rt Hon Sir Robert Buckland KC are now unable to join us. 

With thanks to our sponsor

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