Welcome by Sam Townend KC, Chair of the Bar of England and Wales

Read Sam's speech

Culture at the Bar: Navigating Intergenerational Differences

Pupil Survey 2024
Report on the results from this year’s survey incorporated pupils’ experience in 2023, exploring any changes in the last two years to the experiences of this key group of the profession.

Life at the Young Bar report (2022)
The Young Bar is the future of the profession. In this report, we present a snapshot of life at the Young Bar in 2021.

Tips for working remotely
Advice for barristers and chambers on remote working.

Blog: Adapting to change: effective remote working at the Bar
Amrit Kaur Dhanoa and Rachel Holmes discuss how barristers can get the most out of remote working and chambers can ensure practitioners' are supported. 

Let’s talk about money: how to have the right conversations about earnings and work allocation

New practitioner earnings differentials at the self-employed Bar April 2024
Analyses patterns that might account for the earnings gap between men and women at the self-employed Bar found in every practice area in the 0-3 years' post qualification experience (PQE) group.

Gross earnings by sex and practice area at the self-employed Bar 2023
This report analyses gross earnings declared by the self-employed Bar during the authorisation to practise (AtP) process in 2023 by sex and practice area.

Practice review guide for barristers and clerks
Sets out the principles of practice review and suggests practical ways to get the most out of a review process.

Calculating work distribution in chambers: Earnings monitoring toolkit
This toolkit provides chambers with guidance for monitoring earnings and demonstrates how earnings can be used to assess the distribution of work. 

Practice review guide for barristers and clerks
This guide sets out the principles of practice review and suggests practical ways to get the most out of a review process.

Blog: How do we remove the gender pay gap?
Speakers at a recent panel event shared their practical solutions for tackling the gender earnings gap.

Bar Council's equality and diversity support: [email protected]

Futureproofing your practice through alternative dispute resolution

Bar Council Foundation mediation training
Upcoming Foundation Mediation training sessions hosted by the Bar Council.

Blog: Everything you wanted to know about ADR, but were afraid to ask
We asked the speakers where the opportunities for barristers lie to diversify their work beyond the courtrooms of England and Wales.

Reforming private prosecutions in the wake of the Post Office scandal

Blog: Public pain about private prosecutions
Philip Stott explores the issues surrounding private prosecutions in the wake of the Post Office scandal and how public confidence can be restored.

Navigating ethical dilemmas at the Bar

Ethics guidance
Find out more about the Ethical Enquiries Service and the Ethics & Practice Hub, our dedicated online library of ethics documentation.

Justice at the Polls

Manifesto for justice
The Bar Council's manifesto for justice makes the case for change to the justice system with 8 recommendations.

Artificial Intelligence and its place in the justice system

IT, AI and GDPR support for barristers and chambers
Browse the full suite of cybersecurity, AI and GDPR guidance, tools, articles and reports.

Speech by Amrit Kaur Dhanoa, Chair of the Young Barristers’ Committee

Read Amrit's speech