Introduction to race training

Starting a conversation about race in chambers

Find out more about our in-chambers introductory race awareness course below, and request training dates for your chambers by completing the form at the bottom of the page.

About the course

Developed by the Bar Council’s Race Working Group, this introductory training course covers anti-racism and is designed to raise awareness of race equality issues at the Bar. Delivered in your chambers by one of our panel of expert trainers (online, or in-person), the course provides a summary of legal and regulatory duties with respect to race as well as introducing different types of racism. Participants will be guided through a series of practical exercises and scenarios drawn from the experience of barristers from ethnic minority backgrounds, providing an invaluable starting point for further training and education on race.

Who should attend?

All barristers, practice managers, clerks and staff in your chambers.

The course programme

The training panel

The Bar Council's Race Working Group has established a panel of trainers, chosen based on their experience in delivering training and equality and diversity. To ensure your training can be delivered on your chosen dates where possible, your trainer will be allocated on a cab-rank basis (you will not have the option to select a specific trainer).


3.5 hours


£1,300 plus VAT for delivery of the day 1 and day 2 programme to a maximum of 30 participants. This is the total cost.

Request training for your chambers

Complete the form below, check the 'I'm not a robot' box and click 'Submit your details' at the bottom of the page to request your training dates.


Please ensure you read our terms and conditions and privacy statement before booking.

All Bar Council online training is held on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Please ensure you read our Zoom statement before booking.